----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:18 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with modem...

Are you sure it's not a WinModem?  WinModems don't work with Linux.  Period.
-----Original Message-----
From: Masgras George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 4:05 PM
To: lista
Subject: Problems with modem...

 Hy...here's my problem...i have a 14400 internal modem on a pentium 166 system with RH 7.0 ...well...the strangest things happen here.... first: if I enter the KDE enviroment and try to connect to the net..it says that my modem isnt' responding.... second: if I run wvdial from bash first( that's before I enter KDE ) and connect, it's ok..until I enter KDE .... everything stops..the ppp0 interface is down....not even the ping or links command doesen't work..so i have to reboot....third: if I run wvdial from bash....and not let it connect to my ISP.... and then run startx....the kppp loader from KDE works....now......i don't have a clue what could it be wrong....
Thanks in advance !
 No, it's not a winmodem! it actually works sometimes! thast's teh problem! and in Windoze it works with the standard generic driver for 14400 modem....

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