On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Clarence Donath wrote:
> >
> > What I want perl to do, is to read the string in from the file
> > and put it in $variable .
> > This $variable string is changing from file to file.
> > a few examples of strings in different files:
> >
> > boundary="----=_NextPart_001_004B_01C08570.D30AB6E0"
> > boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0078_01C08533.7A1819C0"
> > boundary="----=_NextPart_000_01C08542.17EE41C0"
> > boundary="==i3.9.0oisdboibsd((kncd"
> Ah!  What you need here is a little Perl magic.  ;-)
> This line...
> $variable = $1 if $string =~ /boundary=\"(.*)\"/;


Just wanted to warn you that you description was equally unclear in other
areas. I seriously doubt the script Clarence offered will work by
counting 3 boundaries - I'm pretty sure the number will change depending
on the attachements. You will probably want to identify the part that is
plain text, and insert your message at the end of it as well.

Clarence, it's been a while since you have asked a question here
(according to the moongroup archives, August 2000, and it appears that you
did get responses to your requests. But your last message left me with the
impression you weren't happy with the help you have recieved. :) Wanna try
us again?


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