A JDK (I use the latest Blackdown) and a JSP engine (Tomcat from Jakarta
is pretty good, and it include specific intstructions on getting
things working with Apache). And then some patience in setting it all up.

Martin Bartlett

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, K Old wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone could tell me what exactly I need to have 
> installed to get JSP functionality on Apache.  I assume I'd need the Jserv 
> from java.apache.org, but would I need anything prior to that and is there 
> an order I should install them in?
> Anyone have any idea where I'd get all of the necessaries in RPM format?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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  _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/      Martin John Bartlett
 _/  _/  _/     _/      Senior Technical Consultant
_/      _/_/_/_/                CSC Financial Services Group
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