Dave Wreski wrote:

> while [ 1 ]
> do
>         for mp3 in `/bin/ls -AQU *.mp3`
>         do
>                 amp -p $mp3
>         done
> done

    Hrm, something's not right.

    a) If I do 'ls -AQU *.mp3', the result is always sorted.
       However, if I just do 'ls -AQU' it's not sorted.

    b) Running the above doesn't work, and I think it has to do with
       the way the files are setup:

        [ artist one ] song title one.mp3
        [ artist one ] song title two.mp3
        [ artist two ] song title one.mp3

    When I run the above snippet, I get amp trying to play this:

    amp -p [
    amp -p artist
    amp -p one
    amp -p ]
    amp -p song

    It's breaking it into individual pieces...

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