On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 09:41:51AM -0600, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Neil Hollow wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply.  No dmesg shows a scsi device found but nothing other
> > than that, cat  /proc/scsi/scsi gives no devices.  A thought has occured to
> > me do I need to remove ide support in the kernel ( I have 4 such devices) or
> > is this just neat way of forcing emulation?  The sg module is only being
> > loaded using insmod currently, I will hack the conf.modules file (I  boot
> > from loadlin).  Ta.  NH
> >
> I forget the exact syntax, but you need something like "hdc=ide-scsi" as
> part of your loadlin command line.  You do not have to remove IDE CD
> support from your kernel.  The your CD-rom should apear in
> /proc/scsi/scsi.  But your SCSI CD-burner should apeare in it now.  Did
> you compile SCSI support in your kernel, or as a module?  (sr_mod)
> generic SCSI support?  (sg module.)  I am assuming that it is apearing
> as a module.

But if it's a SCSI cd, why do you need IDE-SCSI at all? Just plug it in
and the Linux scsi module should see it.

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