"Last time I checked, Dell and others were the same as IBM."

Classic Microsoft bashing here - no idea what you're talking about!

Go into the Dell website, select small business, notebooks and Inspiron
8000, customize.  There you are presented with two tabs Windows System and
Linux System - take your pick!

None, I repeat none, of us would have the extraordinary tools and
capabilities we have today but for Microsoft's leadership.  Why must we
constantly bash them.  To my ear it makes us (the Linux community) look
petty and inferior.  Remember UNIX predates Microsoft by many years and it
never amounted to anything outside of the server environment.  Already Linux
has moved way beyond traditional UNIX in general applicability.  Not by
emulating UNIX's user interface and interoperability features I might add!

Red Hat is doing an excellent job building on the pioneering work of the
Unix and Microsoft communities.  It's time we acted like we understood that.

John C. Flohr, Ed.D.
Consultation and Development Group, Inc.

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