On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Terry Williams wrote:

> What version of linux would you recommend for a sharp 3050 laptop.  It has a
> 486/66 with 8mb ram and a 500mb hard drive.
> I'm going to use it for mp3 player and network testing.   I might add 16mb
> of ram to it to run X.
Well, if you are comfortable running RedHat, then I would install it on
the laptop.  You can do a text install of 6.x on it.  7.X will not
install, as it needs 16M (12M if you manualy start swap.)  The memory
requirments were talked about in detail on the list not long ago.  The
hard drive will be plenty, as long as you don't go crazy selectign
packages.  You can actualy get the install down to around 100M if you
are realy stingy about what you pick...


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
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