Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 10:55:13PM -0600, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > I am playing aaround wwith mozilla and notice that when starting it I
> > get multiple processes started each reporting 28 MB mem usage
> >
> [...]
> > Here is the output of top sorted by memory usage.  Now I am assuming
> > that not all this is really used but can anyone explain what is
> > really happening here?
> I believe those are threads, and each thread is reporting the entire
> memory used by the parent process itself. So kinda misleading. At
> least, that is what I think is going on...I see the same thing BTW.

Thanks for the feed back.  I guess the true multithreading confuses
stuff like you said but sure would be nice to have a tool that spoke
multithreading so I could get a macro view.  The jvm process kind of
freaked me out too. At least it is not my machine/build alone doing it. 
That helps:)


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