Hi folks...

I downloaded ntop-20010228 snapshot from ntop snapshots web site.
I installed it on my RH 7.0 system. ./configure, make, make install all
running fine.
I have libpcap installed from RH 7.0 CD.

When I try to run ntop:
# ntop -d -r 300 -i eth1 -w 3000 -u nobody -P /var/ntop
ntop seems to be running fine
I can also access http://server.running.ntop:3000. But, the odd thing
is, ntop shows that there are no traffic at all. I have waited for hours,
still, no activity. I've tried running intop on the same interface too,
same, no activity. Strange... what is happening?
I tried running tcpdump on the same interface. tcpdump shows a lot of

Before I tried the snapshot version, I have downloaded ntop-1.3.1-2.i386.rpm
too from http://rpmfind.net. Same symptoms...

Is there something I'm missing?



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