Precious Metal wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> >
> > Oof, if I were married, I'd be a dead man.  All of
> that stuff in my
> living
> > and dining rooms.. :-)
> >
> ROFL. Don't let that stop you. wives can be trained,
> and if that fails
> bigger homes can be purchased :)
> Or marry a woman that's really into computers =]  She
> wouldn't mind at all.  BTW, my living room is full of
> computer stuff too and the excess oozes into the cat
> room, even the cats don't care!  =] My b/f doesn't
> mind =]

ROFLOL  I wouldn't date anyone who didn't at least LIKE computers. My
house is full of 'em, parts scattered EVERYWHERE! Between them and the
dogs, it's dangerous to even walk in the door.  No cowards in my family,
you gotta be BRAVE to even visit.
Marie Bennington
Customer Service Representative
ICQ# 4983764
Computers are like air conditioners:
        they stop working properly when you open windows

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