Ok.  Here's the scene: I have RH 7.0 up and running on a P133 w/16MB
RAM, and a 3.2GB HD.  I did a Server install, and did _not_ select any
of the options presented i.e. web, dns, whatever.  I then went into the
Select Individual packages portion, and gutted everything that basically
wasn't needed to run the system.  After installation was done, I did
'rpm -qa > rpm.list' then 'sort rpm.list > rpm.list.sort' and then went
thru and manually uninstalled anything that wasn't essential to
operation at the time, and didn't interfere w/ anything else i.e. I
would have removed python, but xinetd needs it, so it hung around ;) 
This was mainly an exercise to see how small I could get things (~230MB)
as compared to a minimal Debian install (88MB, but spartan as hell)

Now I want to set things up so that I can compile some basic things,
nothing fancy like KDE or GNOME.  Is there somewhere on the Net that
perhaps lists packages are necessary for minimal compiling
functionality?  I realize this may be a stupid question for you
programming gurus, but my software compiling skills generally consists
of browsing the INSTALL and README files, doing './configure', 'make',
'make install'.  Beyond that, I don't know a whole hell of a lot about
what's involved.



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