> tcp       81      0 modemcable163.96-2:1732 rsjohn-3.directcon.:ftp CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp        1      0 modemcable163.96-2:1731 rsjohn-3.directcon.:www CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp        1      0 modemcable163.96-2:1729 rsjohn-3.directcon.:www CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp        1      0 modemcable163.96-2:1728 rsjohn-3.directcon.:www CLOSE_WAIT
> What do they mean?

They're ftp and www connections that you made (via something like
Netscape). They're in the CLOSE_WAIT state. Netscape leaves connections in
this state regularly (since it's such a POS, pardon my french). They will
eventually disappear from the list :)


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