>I have a samba server (HP Netserver 733 MHz, 640 MB memory) running Redhat
>with 2.2.17 enterprise kernel.
>At first I though it was a network problem cause I had only one network card
>on the server but
>after I installed the second card, nothing changed.
>Still cpu jumps to 100% and i have all the users calling me and asking me if
>something is wrong which is very annoying and really pisses me off.
>Can it be the network cards ? (both of them are intel etherexpress 100)
>Will a second CPU solve this?
I think there's a bottleneck somewhere
you should run "top" or any other command to see whether the cpu
consumption is at "user" or "system" level. if it is at user level, maybe
something goes wrong with your version of samba (you didn't say which).
if it is at the system level, it can be either network or file subsystem.
of course you checked anything in log files ?
in case of a large file transfer (which seems to be the origin of your
problems), is the network throughput normal ? that is, suppose you transfer
a 10 MB file to a 10 Mbps client station, transfer time should range
between 20 seconds (500 KB/sec transfer rate) and 50 (200 KB/sec). try the
same tests with a 100 Mbps client station.
what if you copy large files from one file system to another, locally on
the server, without any network ? does cpu jump high too ?
did you try and change network card ? i know some, even if sold to be 100
mbps, are much... lazzy... than others
at the end, try to tune samba itself : read man pages about TCP socket
options, read/write buffer length and disk/network operations overlap
- * - * - * - * - * - * -
Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)
Thierry ITTY
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