On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 06:07:31AM -0500, Harry Park
| I have been playing with ossh. I ran it on a machine within our
| listening at port 53. I then tested from outside the firewall and
| connect. Unfortunately this was detected at the gateway.  
| So my question is this:
| If I start sshd running on high numbered port, say 50000, from within
| firewall, can I then start ssh outside the firewall and connect to the
| 50000 port within the firewall without being detected?

>>>Not if your firewall is any good. And if you persist you'll lose your
>>>access _inside_ the firewall because your sysadmins will be VERY VERY
>>>pissed off.

>>>Why don't you say why you need this instead of asking how to do a pretty
>>>weird hack. There's almost certainly a better way but noone can help
>>>you without knowing what you need as opposed to the tools you're trying
>>>to use.
I don't need ssh. I was curious. I'm very far down the food chain in a
large beauracracy, in fact I don't even know what the firewall policy is
and would not know who to contact to see if I could get approval to run
ssh.I suppose I could call back the person that called me when I used
port 53. He was
concerned we'd been compromised and was relieved when I told him I was
aware of it. BTW I'm the poor soul stuck with the job of administering
this 60 pc, 4 server piece of heaven and I'd be pissed if I thought
someone was doing this in my stomping grounds but that doesn't mean I
wouldn't like to know how they did it !


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