On Wed, 07 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> OK,
>       I'm UNIX SA. I am quite familiar of the concept of patching... I
> regularly download the newest patch set's from SUN and see if they apply to
> the software installed on my system, if they do, I will install them. A
> similar concept applies to HPUX. 
>       Can someone explain how patching relates to RedHat Linux. I have
> seen recent messages about up2date, which from my knowledge seems to upgrade
> just the kernel. What utilities / procedures are there to patch other parts
> of the core OS. -- Do you just wait for new versions of software, and do an
> rpm -Fvh <filename>.rpm, on them, or is there some other procedure? What
> guidelines do you all use when determining what rpm's / other software to
> upgrade? I am running RH 6.2, and just went through the agony of updating
> rpm 3.0.4 to 3.0.5.
up2date is also supposed to update to new versions of other rpms which are
distributed by RedHat.

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