I've set up a perl program to pull all of the files in a given directory and then 
transfer them to a remote site.  I have home defined in my /etc/hosts file, and the 
scp2 command built by the perl program works from the command line.  However, when I 
run the program, the scp2 outputs to the screen as though I had only entered scp2 
(i.e., it outputs the onscreen help).

Following is the program.  I've verified that user jake can ssh2 to the remote site 
without the necessity of a password.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might not be working?



@files = `ls /music/bkup/*.gz`;
foreach $file (@files) {
#       $FILE = '/music/bkup/$file';
        push(@dir, $file);

foreach $DIR (@dir) {
        system('scp2 -p -q $DIR jake@home:$DIR')                 or die "in foreach 
can't put $DIR: $!\n";

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