> Well, personally I believe that if you use linuxconf you will soon become
> an expert...from trying to fix the damage that it does to your system.
> Either that you you will give up altogether on Linux and go back to
> windows.
> Linuxconf is a disaster waiting to happen.  I changes too many things on
> its own....just my opinion.  Your mileage may vary.

I'll chime in a bit here.  I find that linuxconf works flawlessly on several
of the tasks that I have to do.  Simple dns setup is one.  User
adminitration groups that sort of stuff.  I had no problems with getting
sendmail going with it either.  Now on the other hand It totally trashed my
apache setup the one time I tried to use it for that.

I don't mind it making changes.  What I do mind is that there is no way to
know what changes it is going to make ir has made for that matter.  IMHO The
documentation does a fair job of explaining what the various boxes to fill
in mean but as mentioned earlier no clue as to what the thing is actually
going to do with that information.

my 2 cents.

<flame protection on> :)


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