On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, gary wrote:

> Dear all,
> I got some questions on dns as below:
> I got 2 DNS servers, inX is internal DNS server and exY is external DNS
> server
> inX is pointing to Y DNS as its pri DNS
> exY is pointing to ISP DNS as its pri DNS
> correct me if I'm wrong, let say, if my internal wkst, is pointing to inX as
> its dns server, whenever nslookup XXX from this wkst, it will use inX to
> resolve and if inX can't resolve it shd ask help from exY and if exY can't
> will ask from ISP dns... is this the way???
> but what I found from my machine is, whenver I did a nslookup will shown its
> pri dns server and with result as below:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> [root@mail /]# nslookup www.visto.com
> Server:  inX
> Address:  inX ip address
> Name:    www.visto.com
> Address:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> and if I changed its pri dns to exY DNS server, the result as below:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> [root@mail /]# nslookup www.visto.com
> Server:  exY
> Address:  exY ip address
> *** exY can't find www.visto.com: Non-existent host/domain
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I don't know why by pointing to exY, it can't resolve ???
> Any advise on how dns work, if it have have more than 1 dns to use??
> Many thanks for help....
> best rdgs,
> gary
        To have one DNS server use a specific DNS server or servers
instead of going to the root servers when it doesn't have the
information, you need to tell it the servers to use in your named.conf
file.  In the option section, you need:

        forwarders {
                <exY IP>;
                <ISP DNS1>;
                <ISP DNS2>;

For example, I have:

        forwarders {


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