
I am having a very weird problem with Apache. I can not access one of my
virtual servers (that's listening on port 80) from my network. From other
IPs, Apache reply without problems but from the IP of my router, it doesn't!

If I try "telnet www.myserver.com 80" from the server itself, it replies ok.
If I try "telnet www.myserver.com 80" through my router, I have a
"Connection closed by foreign host." reply. It seems to be something related
to an ipchain rule or something like this that's rejecting my IP to pass
through port 80, but I can not find a clue to solve it!

If I change Apache to listen on other port, I have no problem...

Can somebody give me a tip?

Ps: the only new thing I did on this server recently was running SAINT
agaist this virtual server... could it be related?

Tomas Garcia Ferrari


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