HI =)

Maybe you've run into the situation where you have your own email server 
and a few people connecting to it remotely to send and receive mail.  It's 
easy to setup accounts for people and give them pop3 access, but a total 
pain when it comes to providing them with an smtp server. Sure, I can add 
their ip to /etc/mail/relay-domains to allow them to connect and send 
email.  If they are on a dial-up connection with dynamic ip, I end up 
having to add the entire ip block.  Eventually someone ends up using AOL as 
their ISP and .... well, I certainly don't want to open up smtp to everyone 
in AOL.  The whole idea is to stop people from using my mail server as a 
relay point for junk mail and everyone knows those guys tend to lurk on 
AOL.  So... this all leads to the search for better options.  One idea was 
a web mail client people could use - then I'd only have to give access to 
the web server's ip.  Everyone prefers their email client tho.  I was 
wondering if maybe sendmail allows authenticated smtp of some sort.  Then I 
could open up relaying to everyone who's authenticated.  I'm not sure if 
this is available or even how to implement it if it is.  Any ideas or 
recommendations?  Does the last idea have merit or is there anything better 
out there?

Thanks in advance =)


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