On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Jacob Killian wrote:

> Hello-
> I've recompiled the 2.2.16-22 kernel to recognized > 1GB of memory, and all
> works well.  Now I need to copy the "build tree" to another system (one w/o
> source code) and try it there.  Both systems have identical hardware and, other
> than the development libraries and sourcecode, should be identical in every
> other respect too.
> Problem is that I'm not sure what to include in the tarball I'll ftp to the
> system without the recompiled kernel.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Jacob
If I understand what you are after, you just want to be able to use this
kernel on another machine, not compile it there, or anything like that.
If so, the way I usualy do it is set "EXTRAVERSION" in the make file to
something that indicates what the kernel is for.  I also set
"INSTALL_MOD_PATH" varable to point to a directory tree that I use for
to tar up the kernel.

mkdir /tmp/kernel
mkdir /tmp/kernel/boot
export INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/tmp/kernel
make dep clean bzImage && make modules modules_install

You will have to copy the vmlinux and System.map files to
/tmp/kernel/boot yourself.  I modiufied /sbin/installkernel to accept
the INSTALL_PATH varable, if set.

tar cvzf new-kernek.tgz /tmp/kernel


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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