On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Tally Jones blurted out:

TJ>i just installed a brand new install for redhat linux
TJ>6.2. every thing looks fine, i can ping others and
TJ>browse etc.
TJ>but actually i searched the /etc directory and found
TJ>that the file  inetd.conf is missing. is it possible ?
TJ>do you know if anything has really gone wrong here ?
TJ>i copied inetd.conf file from another box and rebooted
TJ>the box but again i do not see any process for inetd.
TJ>please let me know as to what is wrong here...

I haven't done a 6.2 install in a while but I suspect you did a
workstation install and no services were installed so it did not need

Chuck Mead, csm -AT- moongroup.com, Owner, MoonGroup.com
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