The install routines select a kernel package that matches your 
processor (i386, i586, i686, etc).  Each kernel package includes many 
(hundreds) of modules.  The kernel and the modules are already compiled.

What is "custom" is that the install process selects and configures the 
modules which match your hardware.

To get a listing of the modules which were installed on your system 
with the kernel package, try: "rpm -ql kernel-2.2.16-3 | grep 
/lib/modules"  (substitiue your kernel version for 2.2.16-3)

Then:  "/sbin/lsmod" to see you what modules you are running.  You will 
find that they are a (small) subset of the installed modules.

Larry Grover, PhD
Assoc Prof of Physiology
Marshall Univ Sch of Med

On Wednesday 21 March 2001 04:24, Neil Hollow wrote:


> Maybe someone on the list can answer a question that has puzzled me-
> what happens on installation is linux seems to generate a custom
> kernel specific to your needs but without recompilation -howso?  NH.

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