I'm attempting to replace our former OS/2 based fax server with a
spare PC, RH 6.2 and Hylafax.  I had absolutely no trouble setting the
thing up, getting it to answer faxes and printing them.  The trouble
is, the margin at the top of my postscript printer (Lexmark T610) cuts
off the fax ID information.  So instead of using fax2ps | lpr,
research into the archives indicates that I should use gs to process
the file.

So I print the align.ps file, do the necessary calculations and try my
hand at adjusting the top margin.  So I issued the command

fax2ps fax00002.tif > faxFile.ps
gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=- -q margin.ps faxFile.ps | lpr

and ran into the first problem.   I'm obviously missing some command
line switch to tell it to end the file automatically.  I ended up

gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=gs.ps margin.ps faxFile.ps  and then
hitting enter, then at the GS> prompt typing "quit", then lpr gs.ps

I'll dig through and find out how to make gs work in the desired
fashion but my biggest problem right now is that things seems to have
gotten worse with the margin.  Instead of seeing a small portion of
the fax ID, I get nothgin up there at all and the print has actually
shifted up.  Arrrgh!

I've tried variations of fax2ps +H and this hasn't helped either?

Does someone have some suggestions as to how I may simply add a slight
margin to the top of my documents so that I can actually see the whole
fax (and nothing but the fax) and get my new server into operation?

Thanks in advance.


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