Mason and Rob,

The JDK/JRE's availabe from Sun, IBM and Blackdown are compiled for
glibc 2.1 (RLH 6.x) so they won't work on RHL 7. This was the same issue
with Oracle 8.0.5 (compiled for glibc 2.0 as RHL 5 so didn't work with
RHL 6 and glibc 2.1).

RHL 7 uses glibc 2.2 but it should have "compat" packages avaibale on
the CD, and if you install these apps compiled for RHL 6 should work. At
least this was the case with RHL 6 and 5.

Glibc should the the problem, not the kernel.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

> Couple of ideas:
>  1) look in the mail archives for the java-linux list at Blackdown
>     ( and if you don't find anything ask on
>     the list itself.
>  2) IBM has a 1.1.8 JDK available for Linux. After a bit of digging
>     I found it here:
> Hope this helps.
> re:
> >
> > Problem:
> > We can't run our Java app on RH 7.0, but it runs ok on RH 6.2. We are
> using
> > the Blackdown 1.1.8 v3 JRE on both.
> > We currently require 1.1.8 and can't move to 1.2.2 without significant
> > development.
> >
> > Question: Is this 1.1.8 JRE compatible with RH 7.0 (kernel 2.2.16-22)?
> >
> > If not, who's 1.1.8 JRE do you recommend?
> >
> > If anyone can help with that, your answers are much appreciated!
> >
> >    Regards,
> >      Mason
> >
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