Hello All,

I am using RedHat 7.0 and I have a program called load that I am trying to
start as a daemon.  I wrote a script to place in /etc/init.d that has
start,stop and status functions.  In my start function I have a choice of
starting the program in two ways:
1) saying "daemon load"
2) doing a cd to where my exe file is located then running it.

I would prefer to do it by using the daemon command but am having some
problems that I hope you can help me with. Here is what happens when I use
the daemon command in my script.  When I run my script (/sbin/service load
start) and do a ps -x, I see five PIDS associated with load (Note: I'll use
letters in my example in place of the PID numbers)           A) sh
/etc/init.d/load start
     B) initlog -q -e load
     C) sh /usr/sbin/load
     D) ./load
     E) sh /sbin/service load start
If I do a status command (/sbin/service load status), it tells me that
"load (PID A, C ,D) are running".  When I stop the daemon (/sbin/service
load stop) it stops but I also get an error message:  "/etc/init.d/load:
Kill(C) - No such pid"    If I were to just start my program (./load) and
do a ps -x, there is only one PID associated with it.

Why when I use the daemon command are so many pids associated with load and
how do I stop the daemon without getting the error message?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

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