> http://www.moongroup.com/stories.php?story=01/03/23/5398918

rather than simply sit here and seethe that AOL has blocked non-AOL
instant messaging, let me make a humble suggestion.  anyone in the
linux community who is outraged by this should simply filter all
AOL email into /dev/null.

think about it.  the linux community, based on sheer size, now has
considerable clout.  imagine the effect if a significant part of that
community decided, en masse, to reject any AOL-related email.
people can use procmail to junk it; web sites can drop AOL-origin
requests; routers can toss AOL packets.  obviously, there may be
legal or contractual issues, but people who put up web sites
certainly have no obligation to service all requests.

it's time to get over just being pissed about this, and do something
about it.  if AOL wants to block traffic, perhaps it's time to
play that same game, and see how long it takes AOL subscribers to
start feeling the rejection.  let *them* complain to their own ISP.



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