
I am running:

It's a RH5.2 ->RH6.0->RH6.1->RH6.2->RH7.0 upgraded system.

I can browse the net all day via ppp with no problems.  I can run
fetchmail with solid traffic for an hour with no problem.
When I use ftp or http protocols to download anything, it runs for about

5-10 minutes than my /var/log/messages shows

pppd[99999] Hangup (SIGHUP).

It happens accessing many different ftp sites.

When I do an etheral trace on the packets, the last packet from my ISP
has the FIN, PUSH and ACK bits set.  My knowledge of IP is somewhat
limited, but a cursory
reading of the manual indicates that FIN wants the session to shutdown.

I have MTU and RTU set to 1500.

I can use ftp and http protocols just fine on windows (sorry, to even
mention that awful word, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't my modem or
my ISP).

Any ideas or debugging tips would be appreciated.

I realize this probably is more appropriate on the redhat-ppp list, I
posted there about a week ago and got no responses.

It's a bummer not being able to download rpms.



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