On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 07:50:14PM -0800, Al Sparks a ecrit:
> I keep getting spammed by the system.  How do I get rid of this?  I
> keep looking at whatever cronjobs are trying to execute this, and can’t
> find anything.  It’s driving me nuts, especially since I have 2
> machines that are doing it now.

This is a cron job in RedHat.
The file is /etc/cron.d/kmod and contains:

[seyman@munshine seyman]$ cat /etc/cron.d/kmod 
# rmmod -a is a two-hand sweep module cleaner
*/10 * * * *    root    /sbin/rmmod -as

You can comment out the second line and restart crond to stop the spamming
but I suspect you have a bigger problem than that.
What does lsmod tell you?

Emmanuel Seyman

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