On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, John Aldrich wrote:
> > You mean like /bin/bash or /bin/false? ;-) Yeppers. Per the docs, I
> > double-checked that when I was installing. Like I said... I *did* RTFM while
> > installing, but nothing there seems to apply. This *seems* to be a problem with
> > verifying the password. I even purposely added myself (the only "real" user on
> > the system) to the ftpusers file. No go.... *sigh*
> At least on wu-ftpd, ftpusers lists users who may *not* ftp to the
> system...
> If you've added everyone to ftpusers, that's why they can't login.
Whoops... re-reading the instructions, you're right. It says ftpusers contains
a list of users who should NEVER be allowed to log in. ;-) Somewhat
counter-intuitive, if ya ask me. ;-)

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