On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 08:52:32AM +0200, Nathalie Boulos a ecrit:
> 2. I changed my /etc/named.boot so it became the following:

Hang on, this should be /etc/named.conf if you're using bind 8+ .
I was thinking of bind 4.

> 3. I rebooted the server

Ugh. `killall -HUP named` or `service named restart`.

> So, everything seems OK, but the /var/named/named.mydomain zone file is not
> beeing updated! It has been more that 12 hours and nothing's happening.

Renaming /etc/named.boot to /etc/named.conf should work.
Look at /var/log/messages after restarting named and you should see
if there are any errors.

Emmanuel Seyman

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