Dunno... I've just been having _weird_ problems w/ hardware
in general lately.  Kinda hard to pin it down to any one
thing.  My systems at home are in Nebraska (currently) and
are well protected by UPS's, but have been acting really
weird as far as hard drives not working, memory too.  Now
these systems are in Washington (though the P133 started
off in Nebraska) and they're dying also.  Makes it somewhat
difficult to point the finger at a particular UPS or


--- Jack Bowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 07 Apr 2001 21:57:37 -0700, Monte Milanuk wrote:
> > Ok.  This is getting bizarre.  It seems like every
> piece of
> > hardware I have is either going bonkers or just up and
> > dying.
> <snip>
> Sounds like you got a dying power supply surge thru your
> system. Take it
> in for maintenance ASAP b4 it kills something else.
> jb
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"Here, catch!  Don't worry, it won't bite...BBZZZZAAAAPPP!!!...much <snicker>"

What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a 
bored electrician  ;)

Monte Milanuk

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