Hi everyone,

 I have a apache-1.3.12-2 running on RH 6.2. This server is connected to a
 LAN, and has a public IP.

 I want only machines connected on the LAN to access this server. I tried to
 make the following changes to my httpd.conf file:

 <Directory "/home/httpd/html">
     Order allow,deny
     Deny from all
     Allow from

 which should allow the machine with IP to access Apache.
 On that machine I got "Access Forbidden error 403" on the web browser.
 Also, in the /var/log/httpd/access_log file, I verified that my machine is
 connceting to the Web server with its fake IP.

 I tried to flip the "Allow" and "Deny" lines, access still forbidden.

 I tried the following:
 <Directory "/home/httpd/html">
     <Limit GET>
     Order allow,deny
     Deny from all
     Allow from
 still the same forbidden access, even if i flipped allow/deny

 Is there anything else I should do?

 Thanks in advance!

 P.S. After every httpd.conf changes, I restarted httpd, of course!

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