Well, not exactly... I think.  I haven't played w/ the
mkkickstart package yet because more what I had in mind was
something that would take an _existing_ installation, and
add/delete packages as needed to get to a specified config.
 For an initial install, yes, I would suppose mkkickstart
would work just fine.  What I was looking for would go
something like this:  Ok, I did a minimal install.  Great. 
removed a few extra packages, got things where I want them.
 Ok, now I need to re-compile the kernel to tweak things a
bit.  So I use a script (or whatever) to add the packages
needed for kernel compilation relative to a minimal
install.  Then, once I have my new kernel installed and
working, now I want to take un-necessary sharp pointy
things off the machine so uninvited guests can't hurt
themselves, so I use a script (the same one w/ different
flags?) to go back to the minimal install state, but w/ a
brand new custom compiled kernel.

This is what I am looking for.  Something like Debian's
'apt-get task-<package>', but apt-get won't go back and
uninstall all the stuff that the 'task' installed in one
fell swoop, unless I missed something.  

I'm probably dreaming, but what the heck. ;)


> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 09:44:41 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Nitebirdz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: minimalist installs
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Monte Milanuk wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:22:40 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Monte Milanuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: minimalist installs
> >
> >
> > Ditto!!  The other part I was looking for, a script to
> take
> > a given install base, and add/subtract packages to make
> a
> > given config, does anyone know of anything like that?
> >
> > Thans for the ideas so far,
> >
> > Monte
> >
> Aren't you referring to mkkickstart, which can be found
> in the /usr/sbin
> directory if you installed the mkkickstart RPM?
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Nitebirdz


"Here, catch!  Don't worry, it won't bite...BBZZZZAAAAPPP!!!...much <snicker>"

What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a 
bored electrician  ;)

Monte Milanuk

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