I have a few RH7 boxes setup now and I'm noticing the same exact
problem across all of them.  I made sure I had all the updates and
patches in place, including this particular program (sysstat).  Whenever
I do a 'ps' command (be it 'aux', or anything else), I see the

 3862 ?        S      0:00 awk -v progname=/etc/cron.hourly/sysstat
        progname {?????   print progname ":\n"?????   progname="";????
 3863 ?        S      0:00 sh /usr/lib/sa/sa1 600 6
 3865 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/sa/sadc 600 6 /var/log/sa/sa13

    Why is there a stale 'awk 'command?  The sysstat is still collecting
data, but that 'awk' doesn't go away.

    If I stick 'sa1' in a crontab file (through crontab -e), and remove
it from /etc/cron.hourly, it runs fine with no problem.

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