On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Kumar wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Lately i have found that my Linux PC was under attack
> ( Adore/Lion/Ramen ).
> Now i am trying to reinstall the OS on it now.
>       1.) Want to do workstation installation only (

NO! NO! stop. this will wipe out all your existing partitions and OSs!!

Do a custom install

>       2.) Dose the reinstallation recgonise my
> previousely make partitions ?

custom, yes

>       3.) Or do i need to go thru the process of
> repartationing it.

a workstation install will wipe the disk clean

>       4.) Dose the reinstallation process do the
> format of the disk partitions.


> Previousely:
>       1.) Installed RH6.2 on Compaq 1277 Laptop.
>       2.) Dual OS ( Windows'98/Linux)
>       3.) 1.25G for Linux partition.

just let the installer format the linux partition. Use custom and pick you
packages carefully and you will be fine.

Of course, try spend some time securing it this time or you will be
getting very familiar with this installation process.


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