it shouldn't be a problem, but be careful.

did your tarballs install to /usr/local, /home, or /opt?  if so, you
should be in great shape.

do you plan to do the upgrade as an "upgrade" or do you plan to have the
installer start from scratch?  should be obvious that if you start from
scratch and tell it to format your filesystems, you'll lose whatever you
format.  i know, i know, but some people need to be told.

even if your software and scripts live under / or /usr, as long as they
don't have the same filenames as any software being installed, you
should be okay.

but in any case, always always always make backups before you begin the
upgrade, you never know when something will go horribly wrong.

also be aware that goofy stuff like library dependencies and suchlike
may break your old software even if all your files remain intact.

Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> I'm running RedHat 6.1 on my machine and I'd like to update to redhat
> 7.1 ... But what I do not know is: I have some programs on the machine
> which I did not install via a RPM-install but from a tarball ... and I
> have several scripts on the machine which were not built via a rpm install
> but by me ... so the question:
> Will an update to redHat 7.1 delete all this non-rpm software on the
> machine?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards.
> Wolfgang
> --
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