On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Charles Galpin blurted out:

CG>On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Chuck Mead wrote:
CG>> I am beginning to shutdown some of the things I've done over the last
CG>> couple of years in favor of some other, more rewarding uses of my time.
CG>And what might be more rewarding than helping us all? :)

Spending time with my family... not working as much...

CG>> Anyone want to take over the archives?
CG>I would, but I don't have the bandwidth.

Few do... :-)

CG>> (Note that Red Hat is doing a much better job then they were 3 years ago
CG>> so maybe no one needs to).
CG>Can't comment, your's has served me well.

Sorry... they are coming down right now...

Chuck Mead, csm -AT- moongroup.com, Owner, MoonGroup.com
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