Maybe try taking the card physically out of the machine.  Reboot it withOUT
the card so it detects nothing there.  Shut it down, put the card in, diff
slot if you have one, and boot up again see if it gets detected.  If your
still getting the error, submit to bugzilla so someone can see if they can
fix the problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "ABrady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: Red Hat Linux and Road Runner

> Sorry, but I already have all of that and it fails to load at boot. This
> has been happening ever since installing Wolverine and seems possibly
> related to the 2.4 kernel or something. I cleanly installed 7.1 and it
> still happens.
> I have the same problem with an ne module, an ne2k-pci module and 8139too
> module. They all work, they can all be placed in modules.conf, and they
> all fail to load when they should during boot. I can insmod, rmmod
> anything and they work. But, they never load during boot.

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