At 4/15/01 10:10 PM -0500, you wrote:
>just a side note, i rebuild so many src.rpm's that i made a nice little
>script that i issue to rebuild src.rpm's. i just thought i'd share that
>little shortcut with you.
>pico /usr/local/bin/rpmrb
>rpm --rebuild --target=i686 $1
>chmod 100 /usr/local/bin/rpmrb
>$ rpmrb the.source.src.rpm

Not a criticism here... just trying to understand and learn.

If I understand you, the actual "payload" of the script is the one line:

         rpm --rebuild --target=i686 $1

If so, wouldn't it be easier to edit root's bashrc with an alias? As in:

         alias rpmrb='rpm --rebuild --target=i686'

Equivalent results? Is there a difference? Any reason for preferring one
over the other?

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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