On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Tim Moore wrote:

> Xiong Zhao wrote:
> >
> > hello,all.after i create a new logical partition using fdisk or cfdisk
> > and exit with "w",there always comes report saying that re-read table
> > failed with error 16:device or resource busy.next time i attempt to mount
> The partition table was changed while the disk was still mounted.
> Either make changes on an umounted disk or reboot immediately after fdisk
> exits.
If I understand the problem correctly, the reasion fdisk complains is
because there are already mounted partitions on the drive, and the
rescan may change partition numbers.  So, when partitions are in use,
the kernel can not redo its internel partition table for that drive.

The kernel does read the partition table on boot so that it can connect
the device drivers to the correct physical partitions.  That way,
/dev/hda5 points to the first logicial partition of the first extended
partition.  /dev/hda1 through /dev/hda4 are easy - they point to a
primary partition, or they do not point to anything.  But the logicial
partitons can get tricky, especialy if you have someting mounted on a
logicial partition that will get renumbered because of the new table.
So what happens is the system says I am going to keep using the table I
read on boot, because I know where /dev/hda7 is now, but I do not know
if it will be in the same place after a re-read.

I have not tried it, but you may have better luck if you drop into the
single user mode when trying this, and remount / as read only.  That
way, the system doesn't have to worry about posible delayed writes going
to the wrong place because you changed things.


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