yeah, i use a bunch of djb's stuff.  with daemontools, check out the
"package/install" file that you're supposed to run to install it.  it just
executes other commands.  well, if you just run the package/compile
script and not the other 2, it'll dump the binaries in a "command"
directory.  you can copy them wherever you want from there.

the djbdns package you can put wherever you want by modifying the
"conf-home" file before compiling it, although that will probably change
in the future sometime whenever there's another release.

note that i'm not recommending you do anything.  i support the /package
and /command ideas.  but you're welcome to do as you wish.


On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Mariusz Pekala wrote:

> Hello.
> Did anyone of you try to build a djbdns service and daemontools with respect
> to filesystem-hierarhy-standard (as I understand this)?
> []
> I would like to put it's binaries into /usr/local/bin (as for my quick look,
> it would go there by default); I would not to create /commands /package and
> some other directories in the root dir.
> I would like to put it working in the /jail/dns directory and not in any
> other.
> Is it possible? Does any component of this packages have paths hardcoded?
> Won't they complain about such relocations?
> While you read this, I am checking the sources... I am interested in your
> opinions about this programs.
> --Mariusz
> --
> Tego nie znajdziesz w żadnym sklepie!
> [ ]
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