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On Thursday 15 November 2001 12:34 am, Daniel Goldin wrote:
> Everytime I restart the computer after it's turned off in an unnatural
> way--for example, power-outage--I get filesystem errors.
> Example : "inode 543546 i_block is 125, should be 88."
> I get a lot of these. In fact. I had to run fsck manually today.
> Anybody know what's going on? BTW, I'm running redhat 7.1.

Your system is telling you that you need a UPS.

Seriously, though, you are going to have this happen any time you do not 
properly shut down your system before turning it off. As in any modern 
operating system, there are files that are open and being accessed by the 
system all the time. A proper shutdown procedure allows for those files to be 
closed so that when the system shuts down, nothing is left hanging. IF, on 
the other hand, the system is just powered off, all those files that were 
open remain open, and when you boot up again, your system has to go through 
all of your partitions and check each file to be sure that it wasn't damaged 
by the loss of power while it was in a state that data could be corrupted or 
lost. The only way to prevent that is to ensure that your system keeps its 
power supply until it's been properly halted. And it sounds like that means 
you need a UPS, if you are getting power outages often enough to be noticed.

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