On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Thierry ITTY wrote:

> A 07:23 13/11/01 -0500, vous avez écrit :
> >Not sure if i't what you're asking for, but...
> Yes, that's exactly waht i'm looking for
> i'd just like some feedback about "stronger" configurations, say several
> 100 Mbps NICs or even Gbps, hundreds of routes or more, simple or complex
> filters, aso...
> thanks

Up at that level, you won't find many PC's used as routers.  The PCI bus 
is too much of a bottleneck for GigE routing.  Expensive switches and 
routers have bandwidth-rich backplanes not available in "beige box" 
computers.  You also aren't likely to find machines with "hundreds of 
routes" without requiring the kind of bandwidth that PC's can't handle.

In general, I can't think of a real middle ground.  In most cases, a PC
running Linux will either be more than sufficient or not even close.

If I had a dollar for every brain that you don't have,
        I'd have one dollar. - Squidward to SpongeBob

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