On Thu 15 November 2001 20:02, you (David Talkington) wrote:
> Then there's unfortunately nothing you can do about the short lease
> time.  The server should, however, be giving you back the same address
> you had if it's available, leading me to believe that you may be on a
> very busy network that's short on leases.  In such a case, you'd
> probably also expect to see occasional failures to renew, if there
> were no leases available at the moment.  That might explain some of
> what you're seeing.

I was wondering if I should a little increase the lease renewal frequency in 
my client...

> You may be a good candidate for a download manager that can resume
> when you go down and come back on a different IP.

I mostly use ncftp/ncftpget and wget. The first one is able to resume 
downloads, the second I feel to like more (I don't know why) but it lacks the 
ability to use passive ftp (I have to temporary allow incoming ftp-data 

> You'll find iptables much easier to deal with in this regard.  Not
> necessary to poke so many holes.

It's in my shedule... for tomorrow :)
Before I start RTFM : is it relatively simple to translate the ipchains rules 
to iptables rules?



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