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On Saturday 17 November 2001 11:51 pm, David Talkington wrote:
> linuxprinting.org tells me that the Epson Stylus C80 comes very highly
> recommended for general Linux printing.  Driver is stp.  So I bought
> one, and set it up using printtool, using driver Stylus Color -> stp.
> After restarting lpd and printing a test page (tried both Postscript
> and ASCII), the printer made some strange noises, moved its print head
> a bit, and then fell silent.  Successive attempts have resulted in no
> movement or noise at all.
> System is Red Hat 7.2.  Printer checks out fnder (ahem) a
> different operating system.  Red Hat hardware compatibility list says
> that printers which emulate ESC/P2 are compatible, but are
> specifically not covered under installation support.  I gather this
> doesn't bode well.

Hi David,
Have you updated all the print related packages for 7.2? There was a 
problem with the stp driver in the release.
foomatic, ghostscript, printconf, Omni all have updates.

I had the same problem with an Epson Stylus Color 880. I'm not sure how 
similar that is to yours, but it also uses the stp driver.

Updating all the print related rpms, and then running the following 
commands solved the problem.

delete the printer definition via printconf-gui
rm -rf /var/spool/lpd/*
redefine the printer via printconf-gui
/sbin/service lpd stop
rm -rf /var/cache/foomatic/{pcache,compiled}/*
/usr/sbin/printconf-backend --force-rebuild
/sbin/service lpd start

Printing has worked fine since.

Hope that helps,

- -D

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