I am very familiar with networking with Windows, but
now I have somewhat a network setup under linux, and
want to make sure I am doing things right.  

Here is the description: 

Cable modum connected to Linksys Router that has a
Class C ip address that has my cable modum DNS and IP
configured.  Then I connect to two machines one dual
boot running Windows 2000/RH 7.1 and the other one
just running 7.1.  

I know about netcfg command, but was wondering what
machine I assign an ip address to?  @home assigned
192.168.X.XX to me but do I take that and assign it to
each machine, for example: one machine gets and  

The funny thing is that for my dual boot machine, I
had to go and modify
etc/syscconfig/network-scrips/ifcfg-eth0 and put in
the machines' name, but for my second machine I didn't
do anything and it is able to use the web?  Can anyone
explain this? 

thanks again, 


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