On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question on my mind: What do ye folks out there use as a system
> logbook? What I mean is something to keep notes of what RPMs you installed/
> upgraded/removed (and when), which configuration files you changed, etc.pp.
> - basically notes how you keep the system running.
> I've been using hand-edited HTML pages for this task since RHL 4.2, which
> have the advantage of being editable and readable in both text and GUI mode
> and have the advantage over dead-tree docs of being easily searchable (of
> course I have to back them up every now and then, just in case). However,
> manually editing is sometimes too tedious for me to bother - with the
> negative side effect that some things don't get logged... :-}
> Hence, before I start reinventing the wheel: What kind of tools are other
> people using for this task?
> Cheerio,
> Thomas


I've always used a simple ASCII document.  It's really easy to edit from
your favorite editor (Emacs, vi...) and it can just as easily be viewed
from a web browser.

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