At 11/23/2001 04:06 PM -0800, you wrote:
>It says there's a folder called /etc/dhcpcd with a number of files in it.

I thought it was /etc/dhcpc (no "d" at the end...). See below, OK?

>>What does "ifconfig" show now?
>eth1   Link endcap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:D0:0C:B2:22
>         inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

I may be wrong, but it seems to me overwhelmingly probable that your 
gateway is *216* ( as shown by your ifconfig and your route command.

>>        /etc/dhcpc
>>               directory used for storing files created by dhcpcd
>There ain't nuttin in that file, either...

Ben, read more carefully. "directory used for..."

My God: that's not a file, THAT'S A SPACE STATION!!!

>>       /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-<interface>.info
>>               file  in  which  dhcpcd saves the host information.
>>               The word interface is actually  replaced  with  the
>>               network interface name like eth0 to which dhcpcd is
>>               attached.

*THIS* is the file you want: /etc/dhcpc/

>There are evil spirits in my RH box.

Yes... <laugh> mostly yours.

>Already thought of that. Went to d'l the isos and the first was taking 
>_days_ to d'l...on DSL!

Use a different mirror; I've had *very* good luck with the universities 
late at night. Also, use wget to retrieve them. Wonderful thing.

>One thing that strikes me as odd is that I'm unable to configure eth0 to 
>interface with the Internet and furthermore DSL is plugged into eth0, so I 
>don't know what the hell's going on.

No, Ben... your *eth1* is plugged into the DSL. It *better* be, that's how 
we've set everything up and how it's configured.

Would you like me to take a look inside your computer? I'd need root 
access, which you should THINK 17 TIMES BEFORE HANDING OUT. But it's an option.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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