1.  make sure you share your drives in Windows . ( you probably did )
2.  this is the command i use, replace the mounts with yours
    mount -t smbfs -o username=<username> //Windows/mountpoint /mnt/win
3.  it should ask for a password for the current loggin.  
4.  try it even with the -o username and type enter.
    if no usernmame password is used it returns no Shares on my machine

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Duo Maxwell wrote:

> i have couple of comps 3 running rhat 7.2, 1 running
> win2k pro. i have a share dir on my 2k system
> /2k/share
> none of my linux systems can mount the share dir, the
> /2k/share has no password setup , when i try smbclient
> -L 2k it says something about access denied. i also
> didnt find anything on how to access share dirs on 2k
> systems from linux. how do i get this working?
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